Embark on an extraordinary team building adventure in Fès, led by a renowned radio journalist (France Culture, Rabat Chaîne Inter, Luxe Radio), who is also a musician and storyteller. With over a decade of experience, our expert brings you into a vast repository of knowledge, rich in Moroccan and Islamic traditional crafts and arts. Dive into the medieval history of Fès and explore its hidden treasures through a unique cultural journey.
Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Fès through an authentic experience guided by a seasoned expert in Moroccan traditions. Enjoy captivating stories, enchanting music, and the discovery of traditional crafts that bring the soul of Fès to life. This journey offers a unique blend of cultural exploration and team collaboration, creating unforgettable memories in a truly immersive setting.
Provide an immersive sensory experience where music, storytelling, and mint tea tasting awaken the senses of participants. This cultural adventure in Fès fosters collaboration, sharing, and creates unforgettable memories.